Biographies of ABCC Members
Biographies of ABCC Members
Biographical Material
Biographical Material
Personal Correspondence;
Personal Correspondence;
ABCC Correspondence;
ABCC Correspondence;
ABCC Reports and Proposals;
ABCC Reports and Proposals;
RERF Correspondence;
RERF Correspondence;
RERF Publications;
RERF Publications;
Journal Articles;
Journal Articles;
Book Reviews;
Book Reviews;
Newspaper Articles;
Newspaper Articles;
Books and Pamphlets;
Books and Pamphlets;
Membership Cards: Joint Services Officers Mess;
Membership Cards: Joint Services Officers Mess;
Bibliography of Publications Concerning Effect of Nuclear Explosions, 1959-1973.
Bibliography of Publications Concerning Effect of Nuclear Explosions, 1959-1973.
Bibliography of Published Papers of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, 1947-1974.
Bibliography of Published Papers of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, 1947-1974.
Technical reports 1959-1971.
Technical reports 1959-1971.
Technical reports 1959-1975.
Technical reports 1959-1975.
Formation and Activities of Kyoto University Atomic Bomb Casualty General Investigation Team.
Formation and Activities of Kyoto University Atomic Bomb Casualty General Investigation Team.
Annual reports, 1966-1968.
Annual reports, 1966-1968.
Technical reports 1959, 1968-1970.
Technical reports 1959, 1968-1970.
Ad hoc committee report, 1955.
Ad hoc committee report, 1955.
Technical reports 1971-1972.
Technical reports 1971-1972.
Technical reports 1973-1975.
Technical reports 1973-1975.
Technical reports 1977-1986.
Technical reports 1977-1986.
Annual report 1985-1986..
Annual report 1985-1986..
Newsletters 1983, 1991-1992, 1995.
Newsletters 1983, 1991-1992, 1995.
NI-HON-SAN: Drafts for ABCC Technical Reports.
NI-HON-SAN: Drafts for ABCC Technical Reports.
AHS Report: Adult Health Study articles, correspondence, drafts, 1972.
AHS Report: Adult Health Study articles, correspondence, drafts, 1972.
Growth and Development: Drafts for technical reports on childhood-related issues: childhood stature, lower limb, in-utero microcephaly, etc. from ABCC/RERF years.
Growth and Development: Drafts for technical reports on childhood-related issues: childhood stature, lower limb, in-utero microcephaly, etc. from ABCC/RERF years.
HAA, J. of Infections Diseases: Letters to and from journals, drafts, 1973.
HAA, J. of Infections Diseases: Letters to and from journals, drafts, 1973.
An Antigen in Dialysis Patients: letters and drafts for articles on liver-related problems and atomic bomb survivors, 1973-1974.
An Antigen in Dialysis Patients: letters and drafts for articles on liver-related problems and atomic bomb survivors, 1973-1974.
Leukemia in A-Bomb Survivors: letters and draft, 1973.
Leukemia in A-Bomb Survivors: letters and draft, 1973.
Correspondence 1969-1970.
Correspondence 1969-1970.
Correspondence 1971, 1976, 1986.
Correspondence 1971, 1976, 1986.
Various loose papers: articles, magazines, memoirs, reprints.
Various loose papers: articles, magazines, memoirs, reprints.
Various loose papers: articles, magazines, memoirs, reprints.
Various loose papers: articles, magazines, memoirs, reprints.
Immunoglobulin Levels in the Adult Health Study, 1973.
Immunoglobulin Levels in the Adult Health Study, 1973.
Growth Study - Belsky/Blot: Professional correspondence and drafts, 1967, 1971-1974.
Growth Study - Belsky/Blot: Professional correspondence and drafts, 1967, 1971-1974.
Serum Thyrotropin Level and Goiter in Response to Childhood Exposure to Atomic Radiation, 1973.
Serum Thyrotropin Level and Goiter in Response to Childhood Exposure to Atomic Radiation, 1973.
Hiroshima, Early Correspondence and Reprints: 1969-1971.
Hiroshima, Early Correspondence and Reprints: 1969-1971.
Correspondence 1 of 3: including a few personal photographs, mainly 1973-1975.
Correspondence 1 of 3: including a few personal photographs, mainly 1973-1975.
Correspondence 2 of 3: professional and personal correspondence, 1972.
Correspondence 2 of 3: professional and personal correspondence, 1972.
Correspondence 3 of 3: professional and personal correspondence, 1973.
Correspondence 3 of 3: professional and personal correspondence, 1973.
Radiation Carcinogenesis: 1980s-1990s.
Radiation Carcinogenesis: 1980s-1990s.
Chernobyl: clipping, fax from 1992 and 1996.
Chernobyl: clipping, fax from 1992 and 1996.
Various articles and notes for St. Elizabeth talk.
Various articles and notes for St. Elizabeth talk.
Various articles: reports, Physicians for Social Responsibility Newsletters.
Various articles: reports, Physicians for Social Responsibility Newsletters.
Salivary Gland Neoplasms: drafts and correspondence.
Salivary Gland Neoplasms: drafts and correspondence.
Survivors of Childhood Exposure to Atomic Radiation: drafts and correspondence.
Survivors of Childhood Exposure to Atomic Radiation: drafts and correspondence.
Thyroid Cancer Papers 1973: draft, references, and diagrams.
Thyroid Cancer Papers 1973: draft, references, and diagrams.
Thyroid Cancer Paper 1973-1974: correspondence and drafts.
Thyroid Cancer Paper 1973-1974: correspondence and drafts.
Thyroid Cancer Paper 1973-1974: drafts and correspondence.
Thyroid Cancer Paper 1973-1974: drafts and correspondence.
Thyroid Carcinoma Diagnosed Between 13 and 26 Years After Exposure to Atomic Radiation: A Survey 1973-1974: drafts and correspondence.
Thyroid Carcinoma Diagnosed Between 13 and 26 Years After Exposure to Atomic Radiation: A Survey 1973-1974: drafts and correspondence.
Aging Studies in Atomic Bomb Survivors 1974-1978: drafts and correspondence.
Aging Studies in Atomic Bomb Survivors 1974-1978: drafts and correspondence.
AHS Five-Cycle Analysis - Blood Pressure (Milton) Folder 2: reference articles by other scientists, from the mid-1960s.
AHS Five-Cycle Analysis - Blood Pressure (Milton) Folder 2: reference articles by other scientists, from the mid-1960s.
AHS Five-Cycle Analysis - Blood Pressure (Milton) Folder 1: drafts and correspondence.
AHS Five-Cycle Analysis - Blood Pressure (Milton) Folder 1: drafts and correspondence.
Leukemia and A-Bomb Radiation, Hiroshima and Nagasaki: drafts and correspondence of "Incidence of Leukemia Among Atomic Bomb Survivors in Relation to Neutron and Gamma Dose, Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1950-1971, a 1946-1971 study that was published by RERF in 1977.
Leukemia and A-Bomb Radiation, Hiroshima and Nagasaki: drafts and correspondence of "Incidence of Leukemia Among Atomic Bomb Survivors in Relation to Neutron and Gamma Dose, Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1950-1971, a 1946-1971 study that was published by RERF in 1977.
Loose Papers: extra articles, RERF research protocol booklet, and 1978 reprint of "Incidence of Leukemia . . ." article from previous year.
Loose Papers: extra articles, RERF research protocol booklet, and 1978 reprint of "Incidence of Leukemia . . ." article from previous year.
Certificate of Appreciation, 28 June 1972, hand-lettered in Japanese with translation attached to the back.
Certificate of Appreciation, 28 June 1972, hand-lettered in Japanese with translation attached to the back.
Photograph: "Participants in ABCC program, Hiroshima, 27 March 1970".
Photograph: "Participants in ABCC program, Hiroshima, 27 March 1970".
Photograph: (labeled on the back) "ABCC program review 1969".
Photograph: (labeled on the back) "ABCC program review 1969".
Certificate from ABCC in appreciation for performance as Chief of Medicine, 1969-1972, English and Japanese.
Certificate from ABCC in appreciation for performance as Chief of Medicine, 1969-1972, English and Japanese.
George Hatem (also known as Ma Haide) correspondence, newsclips, obituaries;
George Hatem (also known as Ma Haide) correspondence, newsclips, obituaries;
Ma Haide [George Hatem] New Year's Cards from China Leprosy Foundation;
Ma Haide [George Hatem] New Year's Cards from China Leprosy Foundation;
Li Wan-xian, MD, correspondence;
Li Wan-xian, MD, correspondence;
Notes about Dr. Wan Dai and visit to China;
Notes about Dr. Wan Dai and visit to China;
Ru-Han Li, MD, correspondence; Yang [jia] lin and Yu Yan correspondence;
Ru-Han Li, MD, correspondence; Yang [jia] lin and Yu Yan correspondence;
Dr. Ding-Jin Huang correspondence;
Dr. Ding-Jin Huang correspondence;
"Mystical Healing of Qigong" from the magazine "Compass Readings";
"Mystical Healing of Qigong" from the magazine "Compass Readings";
Reprints and notes on rheumatic diseases;
Reprints and notes on rheumatic diseases;
[China Epidemiology] committee meeting minutes at Peking Union Medical School;
[China Epidemiology] committee meeting minutes at Peking Union Medical School;
Physician contacts in China, brochure, photo, notes, map;
Physician contacts in China, brochure, photo, notes, map;
Transformation of health care in China;
Transformation of health care in China;
Pamphlet titled "Rheumatology in China: a physicans' chronicle"; also "The Journal of Rheumatology, November 1983;
Pamphlet titled "Rheumatology in China: a physicans' chronicle"; also "The Journal of Rheumatology, November 1983;
Rheumatology in developing countries [Asia];
Rheumatology in developing countries [Asia];
"Alien's Application Form for Entry or Transit Visas," [probably from People's Republic of China];
"Alien's Application Form for Entry or Transit Visas," [probably from People's Republic of China];
Rheumatoid arthritis in a fix Hiroshima and Nagasaki population, drafts, letters, reviews;
Rheumatoid arthritis in a fix Hiroshima and Nagasaki population, drafts, letters, reviews;
Drafts, letters, reviews for "Rheumatoid Arthritis in a fixed population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Drafts, letters, reviews for "Rheumatoid Arthritis in a fixed population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Drafts, letters, reviews for "Rheumatoid Arthritis in a fixed population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Drafts, letters, reviews for "Rheumatoid Arthritis in a fixed population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Drafts, letters, reviews for "Rheumatoid Arthritis in a fixed population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Drafts, letters, reviews for "Rheumatoid Arthritis in a fixed population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Drafts, letters, reviews for "Rheumatoid Arthritis in a fixed population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Drafts, letters, reviews for "Rheumatoid Arthritis in a fixed population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Drafts, letters, reviews for "Rheumatoid Arthritis in a fixed population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Drafts, letters, reviews for "Rheumatoid Arthritis in a fixed population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Draft and letters of "Roentgenological manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis, primarily in the hands and wrists of Hiroshima and Nagasaki subjects;
Draft and letters of "Roentgenological manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis, primarily in the hands and wrists of Hiroshima and Nagasaki subjects;
International Congress of Rheumatology, Sidney Australia, poster session on rheumatoid arthritis and gout;
International Congress of Rheumatology, Sidney Australia, poster session on rheumatoid arthritis and gout;