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Armin's Files
DM-MS211-003 · File · 1994-1996
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Dr. Armin Weinberg brought traveling disk wallet the contained eleven 3.5" floppy disks. He wasn't sure of the content or its importance. - 268.8 kB - delivered on 11/7/2016

blank, no label
DM-MS211-005 · File · undated
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Dr. Armin Weinberg brought traveling disk wallet the contained eleven 3.5" floppy disks. He wasn't sure of the content or its importance. - 0 kb - delivered on 11/7/2016

ADW - Archived Files
DM-MS211-006 · File · 1985-1991
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Dr. Armin Weinberg brought traveling disk wallet the contained eleven 3.5" floppy disks. He wasn't sure of the content or its importance. - 1.3 MB - delivered on 11/7/2016

[MS Access 20 - striked] 7
DM-MS211-008 · File · undated
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Dr. Armin Weinberg brought traveling disk wallet the contained eleven 3.5" floppy disks. He wasn't sure of the content or its importance. - 0 kb - delivered on 11/7/2017

[MS Access 20 -striked] 6
DM-MS211-009 · File · undated
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Dr. Armin Weinberg brought traveling disk wallet the contained eleven 3.5" floppy disks. He wasn't sure of the content or its importance. - 0 kb - delivered on 11/7/2018

Fonts #1
DM-MS211-010 · File · undated
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Dr. Armin Weinberg brought traveling disk wallet the contained eleven 3.5" floppy disks. He wasn't sure of the content or its importance. - 0 kb - delivered on 11/7/2019

Fonts #2
DM-MS211-011 · File · undated
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Dr. Armin Weinberg brought traveling disk wallet the contained eleven 3.5" floppy disks. He wasn't sure of the content or its importance. - 0 kb - delivered on 11/7/2020

DM-MS211-012 · File · 1990-2000
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This file includes digital materials submitted by Dr. Weinberg regarding his work on radiation effects. There are materials focusing on his trips and projects in Ukraine and Kazakhstan and other areas that were impacted by radiation. There are also news clippings and journal articles related to radiation and Chernobyl. The file path provided for the Locatino of oringal files correpsonds to the original Digtal Submission and can be used to locat the original files in the Submission Information Package (SIP).

DM-MS211-012-0001 · Item · 6/21/1997
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This is a great example of a trip report (wish they were all this well written and formatted!). Put this in as it reflects a lot of the various aspects of the work we had been involved with in Kazakhstan our team, their team and leadership.

DM-MS211-012-0002 · Item · undated
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This was a paper I thought we needed to write to help both those immigrants to the US from affected regions and the physicians who might see them. The article was well received and often a trigger when media would search the medical literature when radiation events occur.

DM-MS211-012-0003 · Item · 12/6/2000
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

An executive summary of the last year of the AIHA supported activities that were supported as a part of the payback (Project Sapphire) for dismantling nuclear weapons in Kurchatov. An extremely meaningful set of mutually agreed upon objectives by both sides served as a solid base to establish a multidimensional effort.

Albina personal statement
DM-MS211-012-0005 · Item · 10/26/2003
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This is a personal statement written by Albina Orazgaliyeva (now Rippy). She was the daughter of our colleague (Marina) in Semipalatinsk who we helped come to the US to study. She eventually graduated from UH, married, and built a very successful business that they sold called Yoga One. The statement however is a powerful reminder of the reach of the partnership that went well beyond our funded mandate to that of friendship. Her family built a very successful private pharmacy and production business at a time when almost none existed after the breakup of the Soviet Union left countries like Kazakhstan with minimal capacity to meet the needs of their people. In an email of 3-29-2019 Albina wrote.. I wrote this essay for my law school applications. I was accepted to every law school I applied pretty much because of this essay even though my LSAT score was not so great. My life took me in a different direction and I never went to law school, thank GOD:)

By Healthcare Committee.doc
DM-MS211-012-0008 · Item · Nov-97
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Selected material about the healthcare system/status in Russia circa 1997. It looks like a series of pieces from a healthcare publication. Clearly this was a part of our trying to assess the opportunity to further our work with Dennis Sokol of the American Medical Centers that Ambassador Strauss connected us with as well as the post-Chernobyl opportunities for our colleagues in the Former USSR.

Jerry Cuttler Bio, CV, etc.
DM-MS211-012-0010 · Item · undated
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Jerry Cuttler was involved with the Canadian Nuclear listserv that Armin Weinberg subscribed to as a way to see what was being discussed by some in the industry. His work provides balance as it focuses on the positive effects of radiation in health and medicine to reduce fear.

DM-MS211-012-0012 · Item · Sept 3 1995
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Note to have TJ Dunlap (consultant to Armin's group at BCM) to prepare for upcoming visit by Governor Jakianov. Some good initial planning for events with TMH, Mayor, and Santa Fe Gold ... but more followed this including a meeting with Governor Bush and more. A very important step in this partnership for sure.

News Clips
DM-MS211-012-0016 · Item · 1/27/1996
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

A collection of news clips I used to track what might be relevant to our work in Kazakhstan. Of note is a story about Newmont Corp's interest in developing gold resources in the region. They eventually were contacted and help support several public health education initiatives in the Semey region.

DM-MS211-012-0017 · Item · 8/6/1996
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This document is a report by F. Curtiss Swezy, DrPH and Shanta Swezy about nursing reform in Kazakhstan being stimulated and supported by two AIHA partnerships.

DM-MS211-012-0020 · Item · 4/15/2008
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This is a letter that accompanied a gift (tube with document inside that was printed by the original Gutenberg printing press) from John Post to Armin. John was a ret. Col. in medical logistics (at the US Dept of State) that helped distribute excess medical and hospital supplies to our AIHA partners in Kazakhstan, Azerbiajan and actually helped with shipment to Gaza as well. Since he lived in DC I invited him to a couple of the non-radiation related Intercultural Cancer Council Biennial Symposia that our Center at BCM coordinated. The page is now at the HRC for viewing.

DM-MS211-012-0021 · Item · 1/12/1998
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

A letter to Bolat K. Nurgaliyev the Kazakhstan Ambassador to the US regarding an upcoming meeting we helped orchestrate that included AFRRI. Also an interesting reference to Mr. James Giffin regarding the committee for reorganization of the health care system in the Republic of Kazakhstan that I was asked to comment on. Turns out Giffin was later arrested and charged related to bribes in a scandal known as Kazahkgate

DM-MS211-012-0022 · Item · 6/9/1995
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

A letter of recommendation for Marnie Rose's application to medical school. Marnie matriculated to UTHouston started a Pediatric Residency but passed away due to a glioblastoma. Her family started a foundation that continues today. This letter provides a nice summary of her past interest and work related to Chernobyl.

DM-MS211-012-0023 · Item · 5/1/1996
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This is a version of a paper on Chernobyl written by Marnie Rose a Russian Studies student who went to Bellaire High School, then UT (I think phase2) that Armin helped get her to study and visit Ukraine. Marnie unfortunately died of a glioblastoma when a Pediatric Resident at UT Houston. A fun run Run for the Rose is held in Houston each year in her memory.

DM-MS211-012-0024 · Item · 1993
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

example of one news story ... "Belarus plagued by lingering Chernobyl radiation, UPn 8/29/93 11:00 PM Belarus plagued by lingering Chernobyl radiation, infectious illnesses UPI NewsFeature (800) Adv. Mon. Aug. 30 or thereafter By VALENTINA STAROVA MOSCOW (UPI) -- The government of the former Soviet republic of Belarus recently issued chilling statistics that confirmed the worst fears of its readers about the legacy of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident. The figures showed that thyroid cancer -- a rare but deadly illness often linked to radiation exposure -- is on the rise in Belarus, with almost as many new cases recorded in the first six months of this year as in all of 1992. "

DM-MS211-012-0025 · Item · Jan-95
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

news coverage that could inform our work in Chernobyl and USA... eg, "CLINTON WEIGHS NEXT STEP ON RADIATION TESTSRTw 1/1/94 9:42 AM HILTON HEAD, SC, Jan 1 (Reuter) - President Clinton said Saturday he supports Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary's release of documents disclosing secret Cold War radiation tests on people and said the next step is to decide what to do with the information. "

DM-MS211-012-0027 · Item · 9/21/1997
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

I think this is a prelim to the non-proliferation.doc for the conference. I include this only since it is draft material and the date is 2 months prior to the other one.

DM-MS211-012-0028 · Item · 11/25/1997
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

These are talking notes for my presentation at a nuclear non-proliferation conference. Interesting to see recommendations including this one, "I suggest Minister Shkolnik create a joint committee with representatives from government, academicia, public survivors and ethicists to continue the pursuit of this question."

DM-MS211-012-0029 · Item · 1995
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Early on and still today what and how to deal with nuclear waste of various types remains unsettled. Yet we continue to rely on nuclear sources for medical, societal, energy and military applications.

Obit for Bishop Hearn
DM-MS211-012-0030 · Item · 9/7/2020
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Obit for Bishop Hearn in Sept 9, 2020 Houston Chronicle, He was instrumental in asking Armin to help engage in the work supported by AIHA to compliment his Methodist interest in Kazakhstan. Without him the project would not have begun nor ended . Because of him TMH provided multiple years of support that complimented the AIHA funding and allow Armin to bring many other resources to their effort. A truly warm, respectful and supportive leader.

DM-MS211-012-0032 · Item · 3/20/1992
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This is the agenda for the March visit with Dr. Penchas who was the Director General of Hadassah from Israel. Includes schedule for Radio KTRH and various TMC and Hadassah and THMRF meetings

DM-MS211-012-0033 · Item · 1997
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This is correspondence regarding the registration of the name of the Website we created called RADEFX. Apparently we had some other entity using a similar name or trying to. Anyway Paul Cooper who was managing our IT worked with the BCM attorney to deal with it. This document is a scan of some documentation I have more that I will leave in an envelope and hopefully bring to the Archive post COVID-19.

DM-MS211-012-0034 · Item · 2/15/2019
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Description of photos in Folder BCMCDRC photos from Sakhalin partnership sponsored by Library of Congress. Contents of folder: Photos from trip to Sakhalin Russia in March 2000 to help establish new AIHA partnership in
Korsakov Russia region with Sara Rozin , Armin Weinberg and Stephen Scott. April 2000

DM-MS211-012-0037 · Item · 2/15/2019
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This is a README for the folder of photos taken on a trip to Sakhalin with Sara Rozin and Steve Scott and Armin Weinberg. Had to fly to South Korea to get to Sakhalin via Japan since no direct air from Japan was permitted since they never signed a peace treaty at the end of WWII.

DM-MS211-012-0040 · Item · 3/8/2019
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Describes content in the Folder United Nations. A major effort to asses the needs in Kazakhstan as a result of the impact of the nuclear testing and development program that went on for many years especially in Kurchatov.

notes about 32_HRC_02 files
DM-MS211-012-0042 · Item · 2/6/2019
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

A place I (Armin) put information and keys like color code to distinguish those files and folders to indicate for example those uploaded into the project spreadsheet

DM-MS211-012-0043 · Item · 3/15/2019
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This contains information and links to some material about Herb Behrstock who was the UN representative to our project in Kazakhstan and the special UN mission that I participated in.

DM-MS211-012-0046 · Item · 4/2/1993
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This appears to be the master database of the folks invited to our International Conference hosted by TMH, BCM, THMRF etc. in 1993? It is a treasure trove of those we initially invited from both Israel, Japan, former USSR (Russia, Ukraine, etc.) and of course USA! It has phone and institutional affiliations, flights, etc.

DM-MS211-012-0047 · Item · October 21 1994
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This is a communication from me (Armin) to Boris Gusev a leader of the Kazakhstan research on the effects of the nuclear testing program. Boris is Kazakh and had much data kept for themselves as opposed to the data Russia collected and took to Moscow after the breakup of the Soviet Union. This letter was an attempt to bring them into the efforts of those working on Chernobyl. While they didn't really do that it does show the status of the ICHER and who were the key players at the time.

DM-MS211-012-0048 · Item · 6/24/1994
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

The text of my presentation at the WHO meeting in St Petersburg Russia held at the former KGB Sanatorium to address the problems of those involved in the cleanup after the accident at Chernobyl. My wife Karen came with me on this trip. From here we went on to Moscow, Bryansk and Kiev (with a stop in Germany) where we were joined by Drs Tom Wheeler and Rhida Arem who gave a series of lectures on fine needle biopsy techniques of the thyroid with our collaborators in each location.

Letter to Dr Louis Sullivan
DM-MS211-012-0049 · Item · 3/24/1992
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This was a note sent to the Secretary of Health and Human Services seeing if he would like to offer a point of contact to our efforts noting that Dr Claude Lenfant (then NIH's Director of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute) who had agreed to assist.

DM-MS211-012-0053 · Item · 3/14/1995
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Includes great material & notes eg, "ADW and CL returned to Semipalatinsk with BT’s car and driver. Unfortunately while returning they hit a patch of ice and ended up in a snowy ditch. Fortunately this occurred near one of the few villages along the way and a passing truck was able to pull them out. The good reflexes and driving skills of the driver kept them from overturning. ML and MR hired a car and driver from Kuchartov and returned later after completing the hospital survey" I (ADW) gave the drive $100 for pulling us out it was below zero too. Took some time but I got USAID to reimburse after much discussion!

DM-MS211-012-0054 · Item · 3/19/1995
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This Executive Summary report gives a synopsis of our FIRST trip from February 12-21, to the city of Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan that established the AIHA, TMH, BCM partnership. Great first impressions and orientation to what follows. A lot of prep went into this including getting letters from key Texas players including one from Governor George W. Bush, Texas to Governor Galimzhan B. Jakianov.

DM-MS211-012-0055 · Item · 3/20/1992
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This looks like draft Press Release piece of the announced the affiliation with The Methodist Hospital Health Care Network. Talks about initial plans to organize a conference, list of additional member of the effort, including a Tx Congressman Martin Frost as honorary member, and a report from an Israeli scientist from Hadassah Zeev Weshler on the issue facing them with immigrants to Israel from the contaminated areas.

DM-MS211-012-0058 · Item · 11/28/1992
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Armin's impressions of first visit to former USSR Russia, Ukraine and Israel by our group at that time referred to as International Consortium for Research and Treatment of Radiation... sent to Admiral Zumwalt (who also traveled to Moscow and Bryansk but not to Ukraine where Armin went with Boris Yoffe, also Larry Laufman and Phil McCarthy went from Russia to Israel with our Hadassah colleagues.)

DM-MS211-012-0060 · Item · 1992-1995
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

A zip file of various literature searches & some resources related to our work related to exposure after the Chernobyl accident and as we began looking at helping in Semey Kazakhstan----a collection of literature reviews on various topics we were interested in... eg. establishing a registry of those exposed for longterm follow-up, what we knew about certain areas like genetics and some resources like "A Guide to Environmental Resources" on the Internet by Carol Briggs-Erickson and Toni Murphy which could be found on the Internet and was written to be used by researchers, environmentalists, teachers and any person who is interested in knowing and doing something about the health of our planet.

DM-MS211-012-0061 · Item · 10/23/1993
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

This an early note to Dennis Sokol who Armin met with at the request of Ambassador Robert Strauss during his first trip to Russia (the meeting with the ambassador was facilitated also by Billy Goldberg). Dennis was a US entrepreneur who was establishing Western style clinics in the former USSR and the ambassador thought we could help especially based on his knowledge of the BCM/TMH affiliation with the Admiral Bristol Hospital that became the American Hospital of Istanbul.

Armin Weinberg, PhD papers
MS 211 · Collection · 1990s-2020

The Armin Weinberg, PhD papers contains born-digital materials and ephemeral items related to his work in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Eastern Europe. The collection also includes two View Master projectors and “Stereoscopic Atlas of the Human Anatomy” by David L. Bassett, MD, complete set of 1-213 slides, T-shirt of "International Conference on the Health Effects of Low Dose Radiation", artifacts, books, business cards, dombra (instrument), glass hedgehog figurine, camel figurine, Kazakhstan canteen, 3 traditional Kazakhstan robes and hat, and colorimeter that belonged to his father.

The collection equals 3 cubic feet (4 boxes). Majority of collection will be submitted digitally. First ZIP file was emailed on 9/7/2016. Dr. Weinberg was issued a flash drive (HRC_32_01) to submit other ZIP files at one time. All files submitted to the collection are placed in the digital control folder in the Digital Submissions directory. A user survey describing the contents of the digital collection and formats used will be available in the control folders.

Subjects: Radiation Effects and Events, Baylor College of Medicine

Weinberg, Armin
MS211-03-002 · Item · 1990s
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Blue Russia Ukraine Travel Album page-2a: Picture of a building with trees Blue Russia Ukraine Travel Album page-2b: Delegation met with Russian Minister of Health, Andrey Vorobyov, during first visit to Russia.

MS211-03-007 · Item · 1990s
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Blue Russia Ukraine Travel Album page-7a: Village with small houses and trees Blue Russia Ukraine Travel Album page-7b: A red house with people in winter jackets standing in front. A lot of trees around the house.

MS211-03-016 · Item · 1990s
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Blue Russia Ukraine Travel Album page-16a: A group of men including Armin Weinberg standing in front a log house. Blue Russia Ukraine Travel Album page-16b: A group of men including Armin Weinberg standing in front a log house.

MS211-03-022 · Item · 1990s
Part of Armin Weinberg, PhD papers

Blue Russia Ukraine Travel Album page-22a: Two men sitting in front of a group of people in an auditorium Blue Russia Ukraine Travel Album page-22b: People sitting around a table eating. Two men are taking shots. A women has a white dog on her lap.