"This is What it's Like to Witness a Nuclear Explosion," by Rod Buntzen, New York Times, March 27, 2022.
"Chernobyl Workers Pick Up the Pieces After Russian Occupation," by Vivian Salama, Wall Street Journal, June 6, 2022.
NAS Leveraging Advances in Modern Science to Revitalize Low-Dose Radiation Research in the United States, 2022.
"The Atomic Museum: Mushroom-Cloud Memories," by Edward Rothstein, Wall Street Journal, April 22, 20223.
Atomic Museum: https://www.atomicmuseum.vegas/ .
"Reducing the Risks of Nuclear War—The Role of Health Professionals" by Kamran Abbasi et al., JAMA Network Open, August 1, 2023.
"Disproportionately High Contributions of 60 Year Old Weapons-137Cs Explain the Persistence of Radioactive Contamination in Bavarian Wild Boars" by Felix Staeger et al., Environmental Science & Technology, August 1, 2023.
"Fat tissue is not a reservoir for radiocesium in wild boars" by George Steinhauser, et al., Jouranl of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, April 25, 2017.
"Scientists Finally know why Germany’s wild boar are surprisingly radioactive" by Kasha Patel, Washington Post, September 3, 2023.