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AVA-IC002-004A · Item · 1968/10/24 and 1968/10/28
Part of Texas Medical Center records

This sound recording comes from Side 1 of a 5" Audio Reel-to-Reel labeled "Reel #3." It is dated 10/24/68 and 10/28/68. It records the meeting(s) of an unidentified organization. The agenda items focus on the approval and administration of medical programs with a focus on the Houston area. The recordings feature the introduction of proposals/items, debate, amendments, and voting.

(0:40) Proposal 5 "Reduce complications from radiotherapy." A speaker notes the dollar amount for the program had increased since Steering had previously considered the item. He explains that the purpose is to inform facilities in Texas of the results of study carried out by UT Dental Branch and M. D. Anderson Hospital. The program supports dentist involvement, and also aims to inform and assist other regions in establishing such programs. He highlights new information just reported at a joint meeting of American Dental Association and the American Cancer Society in June. There is a recommendation to approve, but also acknowledgement of some concern that Baylor School of Dentistry wasn't involved. However, the speaker notes Dr. Randolph at Baylor was aware and will support the proposal. The group debates the need for written endorsement by entities including Baylor College of Medicine Dental School, the Texas Dental Association, and Dr. Robert Walker, who is in charge of the dental program at [unspecified] Medical School. There is a move to approve the proposal subject to receiving requested documentation, followed by a vote in favor.

(18:42) Proposal 6 “Houston neighborhood health services program.” A speaker explains this is a proposal from Baylor University College of Medicine. Originally it had included attachments from San Antonio and Galveston, but those had since been withdrawn. Steering approved the project in principle, while noting the need to establish the role of Southwestern. The proposal concerns “comprehensive neighborhood health centers.” However, one speaker criticizes it for not being comprehensive and having key omissions. (23:09) Another speaker criticizes the motion as yet another survey, proposal, or grant for a particular area, noting the “negro communities" under consideration "have been surveyed, restudied, resurveyed...everybody knows where the poor folks are. Everybody know who needs [...] healthcare. Everybody knows the death rate is higher over there. Everybody here knows that my life expectancy is seven years shorter than yours. Everybody knows that the infant mortality rate in our community is five, anywhere from three to five times higher. You drop lower first year, then it goes up to ten times. I don’t see that we need to spend any more money on this type of proposal." There is a suggestion of taking time to consider ironing out local problems and then returning the item to the steering committee. The recording concludes by recounting an earlier proposal for additional clinics in the Hospital District.

Texas Medical Center
AVA-IC002-004B · Item · 1968/10/28
Part of Texas Medical Center records

This sound recording comes from Side 2 of a 5" Audio Reel-to-Reel labeled "Reel #3." It is dated 10/28/68 and appears to be a continuation of the same meeting taking place at the end of Side 1 of the Audio Reel-to-Reel. It records the meeting of an unidentified organization. The agenda items focus on the approval and administration of medical programs with a focus on the Houston area. The recordings feature the introduction of proposals/items, debate, amendments, and voting.

The recording opens with a vote of disapproval, followed by a movement to re-open and motion to defer. There is a motion for reconsideration of Proposal 6. Following a discussion of the program and funds, the motion is withdrawn.

(8:02) Items 7, 8, and 9. "Projects relating to recruitment, education, improved training for allied health personnel.” It is recommended that it be referred back to the coordinator of Regional Medical Programs and that he form a special committee or task force to develop a proposal. An Amendment is proposed to consider Item 9 relating to junior colleges separately. Other programs up for discussion and vote are an educational media instructional program and a program for medical service assistants, clinical research, and administration. There is discussion of whether these proposals should be considered separately. There is a vote on an amendment to consider 9 separately. There is consideration of the role of junior colleges in paramedical training. There is a vote with 19 in favor to send Items 7 and 8 to committee.

(20:10) Item 9 “Recruitment of allied healthcare workers.” There is a movement for approval followed by discussion. A speaker notes that it would augment and amplify an existing project and establish an advisory committee. One speaker addresses Dr. Eastwood (possibly Dr. Richard T. Eastwood, President of the TMC). It is noted that one aspect of the proposal was intended to bring together elements related to junior colleges, but more important was total recruitment of allied healthcare workers. There is a vote with 19 in favor.

(27.42) Proposal 10 “Extending primary care nursing training based in Riverside and St. Joseph's.” The Steering committee had recommended deferring action on this proposal and appointing a subcommittee, after which there was a recommendation for approval. There is a motion to approve Item 10. A speaker alludes to a program already ongoing, but the recording ends abruptly.

Texas Medical Center
Interview with Dr. Al Gunn
AVA-IC008-007 · File · 1995/09/18
Part of University of Texas Medical School records

This Digital Audio Tape (DAT) contains an interview with Albert E. (Al) Gunn, MD former Dean of Admissions at the University of Texas Medical School in Houston. The interview took place on September 18, 1995. The interviewer is unnamed, and the recording runs 1:07:04.
(0:01) As the recording begins, Dr. Gunn and the unnamed interviewer discuss the recording and sound quality and muse on perfectionism.
(1:45) Dr. Gunn recounts starting as Medical Director of the Rehabilitation Center at M. D. Anderson Hospital in 1975, having been recruited by Dr. R. Lee Clark. He describes coming to Medical School Grand Rounds to hear Dr. Kuykendahl, and how he met Dr. George Whalen, Chair of the Department of Gastroenterology, who was about to step in as Acting Chief. Dr. Gunn says he wanted to get involved in the School, and in 1976 started as an Assistant Professor teaching the Introduction to Clinical Medicine course. He recounts trying to get more students into M. D. Anderson. He claims Hermann had too many students, and that he wanted to bring students into Rehabilitation Center to make it more academic. But he got “infected” with teaching, students, and the fun of it.
(7:30) He describes being recruited for and taking on the position of Dean of Admissions for the Medical School. Starting the position in June 1979, Dr. Gunn notes that many of the School founders were still there and names the department chairs.
(10:18) Dr. Gunn outlines what the Medical School was like when he arrived. He mentions the Freeman Building, Dr. Charles Berry, and Dr. Truman Blocker. He details construction and emphasizes student-friendly building design. He fondly recalls that students were fun-loving—“rambunctious”—and says he appreciated their honesty and outspokenness. He highlights the common bond, improvisation, and shared experiences that set the atmosphere of the school.
(22:52) He discusses his work in admissions, saying it had been “a dream.” He names colleagues who facilitated the admissions process and made it fun. He does claim that medical school faculty could be uncomfortable with religious commitment, and he says that religion was removed from admissions discussions.
(26:12) He suggests they fostered a “Houston type” of student, and pitched the School’s faculty and atmosphere to prospects. He asserts they wanted students who saw medicine as a people-oriented-- not purely scientific – profession.
(29:30) He recalls a shortage of applicants when he first arrived. He credits Betty Murphy, Coordinator of Admissions, with ideas such as the first Parents Night at a medical school. He also credits Dr. Henry Strobel with the idea for a retreat, which came after flooding of the anatomy room. He says these things have persisted as traditions and made School what it is.
(31:53) He speaks about Dr. Louis Failliace, crises, and politics around the School. He claims students are too busy learning to worry about such things. He asserts the School survives because of the students.
(35:55) He discusses academic standards, noting the contributions of M. D. Anderson faculty. He discusses the University of Texas, funding, and the State Legislature. He considers the tension between focusing on primary care versus research.
(42:27) He says Admissions is looking for students whose picture of medicine is being with people, listening to people.
(49:07) He says one of their goals is to have the School in harmony with the racial and ethnic make-up of Texas. He says the School tries to do problem-based learning, not just memorization.
(52:00) Asked about student criticisms, he cites parking. He says at one point students felt there wasn’t enough clinical material, but the affiliation with Lyndon Baines Johnson Hospital helped alleviated that.
(54:15) He offers his impressions of personalities from the Medical School: Dr. Bob Tuttle, Dr. Ernst Knobil, Dr. Louis Faillace, Dr. Frank Webber, and Dr. John Ribble.
(1:03:06) He addresses the questions “why did you become a doctor?” and “What is a doctor?” He cites the appeal of an “immediate” way to help people. He says a doctor deals with dis-ease and the most important thing a doctor can do is alleviate pain.

Gunn, Albert E.
AVA.MS002.001 · File · 1946-04-05
Part of Ernst William Bertner, MD papers

"Passing in Review" is a radio program that aired on KPRC radio in Houston, Texas. First half of this episode provides a narrative of the process of donating blood to the M. D. Anderson Hospital Blood Bank. The second half of the episode has Dr. E. W. Bertner - acting director of M. D. Anderson Hospital - and first president of the Texas Medical Center - advocates for donating blood and cancer research. [E. W. Bertner, MD papers, MS002, Texas Medical Center Library, McGovern Historical Center]

AVA.MS002.002 · File · 1950-05-12
Part of Ernst William Bertner, MD papers

Dr. E. W. Bertner Addresses the 4th Symposium of Cancer Research. Dr. Bertner is the guest of honor for M. D. Anderson Hospital 4th Symposium of Cancer Research in 1950. He addressed the meeting remotely from his residence in the Rice Hotel, Houston, Texas. [E. W. Bertner, MD papers, MS002, Texas Medical Center Library, McGovern Historical Center]

AVV-IC001-001 · File · October 1997
Part of Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library records

This 1” open-reel video tape opens with a graphic announcing the “Houston Academy of Medicine Texas Medical Center Library” The production highlights the history, purpose, value, and future of the Library. While the recording lasts 7:12, the actual content runs about 5:30.
Narration is by Ron Stone. The video was made possible by a gift from the Friends of the Texas Medical Center Library. It is a production of UT Television, the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1997.
The recording starts with color bars and test sound, followed by a blank screen. Content begins at 1:43.
(1:43) The video opens with historical images from the TMC Library, as the voiceover notes it “has never hesitated to meet the challenge of the future.”
(2:18) The video cuts to the present day, featuring images of students studying, including at computers. The narrator reiterates the Library’s purpose “to make knowledge accessible to the entire community.” The TMC Library’s new five-year plan is introduced.
(2:34) Naomi C. Broering, MLS, MA, Executive Director, HAM-TMC Library. She cites the support of the Houston Endowment and the M. D. Anderson Foundation. She highlights the plan to develop a Health Informatics Education Center, Consumer Health Information Service Area, Knowledge Management Center, and Conferences in Computers in Health Care. She cites the TMC Library’s involvement in telemedicine, teleconferencing, and remote distance learning.
(3:25) Damon Camille, Public Affairs Services, HAM-TMC Library. He stresses the importance of supporting library users in the places where they work and study. As the video shows images of students and faculty using computers, he talks about teaching people to access information online via the TMC Library.
(3:53) Larry S. Jefferson, MD, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. He testifies to the value of electronic access to MedLine, which he says is used on a daily basis. As he speaks, the video shows images of children and physicians in the hospital.
(4:25) Barbara Skjonsby, RN, BSN, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital. The video shows images of children and caregivers in the hospital, while she highlights the TMC Library for access to medical studies that benefit patients.
(5:05) Randall Sharer, University of Texas-Houston Medical School. He highlights access to resources across schools and programs, saying the TMC Library Addresses everyone’s needs. The video shows images of students and/or colleagues studying.
(5:30) The video cuts to an exterior view of TMC Library and highlights its role as one of National Library of Medicine’s eight Regional Medical Libraries. It shows the MedLine website to highlight online access.
(5:50) The McGovern Historical Collections and Research Center is featured.
(6:08) The video cuts back to the TMC Library website. The narrator highlights the TMC Library’s ability to improve lives through the power of the IT infrastructure and the reach of the TMC Library’s information.
(6:35) Naomi C. Broering, MLS, MA, Executive Director, HAM-TMC Library. She highlights the Friends of the Library, the Library Board, foundations, institutions, and individuals who help support the Library. She praises their support for a program that will “build the library for the 21st century, the virtual library for the next millennium.”

Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library

This 3/4” U-Matic tape contains a lecture titled "Development of the Texas Medical Center " by Dr. William Seybold. The lecture took place April 30, 1980, and it was a part of the series “Conversations with the Past.” The recording runs 31:31 with about 30 minutes of lecture content. According to the credits, it was a Medical Community Television System Production. The recording is a duplication, in color.
(0:01) The recording begins with color bars.
(0:16) Program begins with TMC Librarian Beth White at a podium introducing Dr. William Seybold, recently retired.
(0:58) Dr. Seybold comes to the podium and begins his talk.
(2:53) Beginnings of the TMC. “In the beginning there was a dream.” Almost 40 years ago. Monroe D. Anderson, Colonel W. B Bates, John H. Freeman, Arthur Cato, Dean John W. Spies, Dr. E. W. Bertner, Dr. Frederick C. Elliott.
(5:04) Monroe D. Anderson of Anderson Clayton Company. William Bates and John Freeman helped establish the Anderson Foundation.
(7:32) Anderson died, and the Foundation was chief beneficiary. Horace Wilkins was a new trustee.
(8:55) Texas Legislature authorized a state cancer hospital in 1941. Cato, Bertner, and Spies had all been interested in a cancer hospital. Various organizations supported.
(12:18) Trustees of the Anderson Foundation met with University of Texas officials. Agreement to locate the cancer hospital in Houston. Foundation offered temporary facilities and matching funds.
(13:03) Dr. Bertner was appointed Acting Director. Land was acquired from the City of Houston, but construction had to wait until after the war. Drs. Bertner and Elliot articulated plans for a medical center.
(15:20) In 1943 the private Dental College in Houston becomes part of the University of Texas and got a site in the medical center. Bertner and Elliott envisioned Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health, as well as hospitals.
(15:55) Hermann Hospital, Methodist Hospital, a children’s hospital, a tuberculosis hospital, and perhaps others.
(16:23) Baylor College of Medicine decided to leave Dallas. Trustees of Baylor and Trustees of the Anderson Foundation made arrangements to bring the school to Houston.
(18:44) Advancement of the Medical Center after World War II. Texas Medical Center, Inc. chartered and Dr. Bertner elected President. The Anderson Foundation provided land and funds to TMC entities. Support also came from the Cullens and the Chamber of Commerce.
(21:30) Dr. Bertner’s vision for the Medical Center, including his speech to the Kiwanis.
(23:07) Dr. Seybold contends the war had established public support for medical research.
(24:18) Dr. R. Lee Clark, Jr.’s appointment as Director of M. D. Anderson Hospital for Cancer Research in 1946. The opening of Baylor’s new building in 1948. The appointment of Dr. Michael DeBakey as Head of Department of Surgery. In 1950, the construction of the new Methodist Hospital. The appointment of Leland Anderson to lead the Medical Center Board. In 1952, Dr. Elliot named Vice-President and Executive Director of the Medical Center.
(26:37) Dr. Seybold offers information from the Texas Medical Center’s 1979 Annual Report. In conclusion, he reflects on its future.

Seybold, William Dempsey
AVV-IC084-006 · Item · 4/19/1973
Part of Texas Medical Center Historical Resources Project records

Col. William B. Bates, Part 2 of 3. Interviewed by Don Macon. Col. Bates discusses some of his experiences as district attorney in three East Texas counties shortly after World War I. These include bootleggers and members of the Klu Klux Klan. In later 1922, he traveled to Houston seeking a connection to further his career in law. He joined the firm of Fulbright & Crooker on January 1, 1923. Mr. John Freeman became a partner in the firm, as did Col. Bates. Col. Bates worked closely with members of the Anderson-Clayton firm for many years. He tells of his association with Mr. M. D. Anderson and the eventual establishment of the M. D. Anderson Foundation. Col. Bates relates the story of the planning and implementation of the state cancer research hospital, its temporary quarters in the Baker estate, the concept of a Texas Medical Center and acquisition of its land, the move of Baylor College of Medicine from Dallas to Houston, the permanent structure for the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Research Institute, the University of Texas Dental Branch, and other institutions in the medical center. (MDAH Master #29-1-73)

Bates, William B., 1889-1974
AVV-IC084-007 · Item · 4/19/1973
Part of Texas Medical Center Historical Resources Project records

Col. William B. Bates, Part 3 of 3. Interviewed by Don Macon. Col. Bates discusses further the relationships of the M. D. Anderson Foundation and the institutions in the Texas Medical Center. He speaks of Dr. E. W. Bertner and Dr. R. Lee Clark. Col. Bates then turns to his interest in education and Texas History. He describes the evolution of the University of Houston and his participation in the San Jacinto historical Association. A discussion of the involvement of the Houston Chamber of Commerce in the development of the Texas Medical Center concludes the series. (MDAH Master #30-1-73)

Bates, William B., 1889-1974
AVV-IC084-020 · Item · 6/22/1978
Part of Texas Medical Center Historical Resources Project records

Video Profiles: Interview with Benjamin L. Bird by Don Macon. An MDA-TV Presentation. Department of Medical Communication. Produced for the Office of the President. 6/22/1977. The recording runs 20:02 minutes.
(0:17) Don Macon introduces Ben Bird and explains his connection to the M. D. Anderson Hospital.
(1:46) Bird shares some details of his biography. He grew up, was educated, and worked in Oklahoma and Texas. He studied law at the University of Texas in Austin. He notes his associations with members of the University’s Board of Regents.
(6:53) He outlines the tax and legal issues he was brought in to sort out on behalf of M. D. Anderson Cancer Hospital. He discusses the creation of the Association of Physicians as well as the University Cancer Foundation. This balanced M. D. Anderson’s tax-exempt status with R. Lee Clark’s desire to attract and retain top talent.
(12:26) Bird continues to elaborate on the legal and tax instruments he helped establish for M. D. Anderson: the Institutional Plan, the Director’s Regulations, and the University Cancer Foundation.
(15:36) Bird’s discusses his other work and interests. He highlights his work for Abilene Christian College.

Bird, Benjamin L.
AVV-IC084-021 · Item · 6/21/1977
Part of Texas Medical Center Historical Resources Project records

Video Profiles: Interview with Benjamin L. Bird by Don Macon. An MDA-TV Presentation. Department of Medical Communication. Produced for the Office of the President. 6/21/1977. The recording runs 37:29 minutes.
(0:20) Don Macon introduces Benjamin L. Byrd and explains his connection to the M. D. Anderson Hospital.
(1:28) Bird shares some details of his biography. He grew up, was educated, and worked in Oklahoma and Texas. He discusses his time in the oil field, as well as at Harvard. He later studied law at the University of Texas in Austin.
(6:40) Bird discusses his involvement in debate and public speaking. He notes his associations with members of the University of Texas’ Board of Regents—Tom Sealy, Bob Sorrell, and Leroy Jeffers.
(8:32) Bird elaborates on this time at the law school, including a role as law librarian.
(10:43) He discusses the beginning of his law practice in Fort Worth in 1931.
(11:50) Bird discusses the development of his career and his expertise in tax law. He notes a 2-year stint in Washington, D.C., followed by time in St. Louis, and his return to Texas to form the firm Weeks, Bird, and Cannon (later Appleman).
(16:03) Bird talks of meeting his wife, Emily Loving. He got to know her while working for her father, a U.S. District Court Judge.
(17:50) Bird speaks of his partner Weeks, Dr. R. Lee Clark, and their Wichita Falls connection.
(18:40) Bird recounts his emergent professional connection with the University of Texas in the 1950s. He outlines the tax and legal issues he was brought in to sort out on behalf of the University and the M. D. Anderson Cancer Hospital.
(22:06) He elaborates on the tax matters and his interactions with R. Lee Clark. He mentions the Physicians’ Referral Service and the question of whether a Charitable Hospital could have Unrelated Business Income.
(26:16) Macon offers a history of the origins of M. D. Anderson Hospital and the Texas Medical Center.
(30:24) Bird elaborates on the legal and tax instruments he helped establish for M. D. Anderson: University Cancer Foundation, Constitution for the Hospital, Director’s Regulations.
(36:18) Macon wraps up the interview.

Bird, Benjamin L.
AVV-IC084-022 · Item · 11/30/1973
Part of Texas Medical Center Historical Resources Project records

Randolph Lee Clark, MD. Interviewed by Don Macon. Dr. Clark was the son of educators and long-time president of MD Anderson Hospital. Dr. Clark discusses his personal and family history in the Texas towns of Hereford, Midland, and Wichita Falls. He talked about the founding of Add-Ran College, now known as Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, named after his great uncles Addison and Randolph Clark. Dr. Clark related his early interest in sports and activities at the summer resort of the College of the YMCA at Blue Ridge, South Carolina, where he worked for two seasons. He revealed the impact on his professional years of the 18 months he directed research for DuPont at their Newark, New Jersey Plant, after his graduation from the Universality of South Carolina with degrees in Chemical Engineering, English and Pre-Med, and before receiving his MD from the Medical College of Virginia in 1932. He talks about his fascinating career, his professional associations at home and abroad, his pioneering work in surgery and his long association with and love for the Anderson. The interview ends when he receives a phone call from the University of Texas. 11/30/1973, Color-sound. Produced for Texas Medical Center Historical Resources Project.

Clark, Randolph Lee, 1906-

John H. Freeman, Part 1 of 2. Interviewed by Don Macon. Mr. Freeman, prominent attorney, member of the TMC Board of Directors, and Chairman of the Board of the MD Anderson Foundation, discusses his personal history from birth through receiving his law degree from the U of Chicago. He describes his professional career, his association with Dr. E. W. Bertner, the forming of the MD Anderson Foundation in 1939, the creation of a state cancer research hospital and early concepts of the Texas Medical Center. (Continued in Part 2). MDAH Master #39-2-73. 29:45min 8/2/1973

Freeman, John Henry, 1886–1980

John H. Freeman, Part 2 of 2. Interviewed by Don Macon. Mr. Freeman continues the story of the state cancer hospital and the role of the Anderson Foundation in establishing it in Houston. He gives an account of the purchase of the land for the permanent site of the hospital and other institutions in the TMC; he discusses the philosophy underlying the MD Anderson Foundation's approach to assisting all of the various institutions. He looks at the future with an emphasis on preventative medicine. MDAH Master #41-1-73. 28min. 8/2/1973

Freeman, John Henry, 1886–1980
AVV-IC084-058 · Item · 6/7/1977
Part of Texas Medical Center Historical Resources Project records

Frances Goff, Part 2 of 3. Interviewed by Don Macon. Ms. Goff recalls the years 1941 through 1954 in this segment of the interview. In 1941 she took the position of Personnel Director for the Texas Railroad Commission, but later that year she joined the Women's Army Corps. After the war she returned to Austin and resumed her activities as Budget Director fro the Senate Finance Committee. In 1951 she came to work for Dr. R. Lee Clark at Anderson; the first phase of the new hospital was completed in 1954. (Continued in Part 3). 6/7/1977. TMC Historical Resources Project (MDAH Master #746-1-77B) 34:30

Goff, Frances, 1916-1994
AVV-IC084-059 · Item · 6/7/1977
Part of Texas Medical Center Historical Resources Project records

Frances Goff, Part 1 of 3. Interview by Don Macon. Ms. Goff, who has served as Director of Special Projects for MD Anderson Hospital since 1951, talks about her youth in Kenedy, Texas and her early interest in political matters. Some of her first positions included working in the legislative offices in Austin, acting as an aide to Governor O'Daniel and Budget Officer for the Senate Finance Committee. It was during these years in Austin that she cultivated a close association with members of the legislature. (Continued in Part 2). 6/7/1977. MDAH Master #746A-1-77. 31:00

Goff, Frances, 1916-1994
AVV-IC084-061 · Item · 6/7/1977
Part of Texas Medical Center Historical Resources Project records

Frances Goff, Part 3 of 3. Interview by Don Macon. Ms. Goff tells of the many responsibilties she has had at MD Anderson Hospital; these range from the intricate planning detail through the many phases of expansion of the hospital to operational duties such as the phone system and the print shop. Having just celebrated her 25th year as Director of Bluebonnet Girls State, she recalls what a gratifying experience that has been. 6/7/1977. MDAH Master #746C-1-77. 40:00

Goff, Frances, 1916-1994
AVV-IC084-089 · Item · 3/1/1974
Part of Texas Medical Center Historical Resources Project records

Carroll D. Simmons. Interviewed by Don Macon. 30:30, 3/1/1974. MDAH Master #89-1-74. Former Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs of the University of Texas System in Austin, Mr. Simmons traces his long career. He tells of his move to Houston to become trust officer in the First National Bank, where he worked with the MD Anderson Hospital account; he recalls the planning of the institution and his roles as secretary of the MD Anderson Foundation and the assistant secretary-treasurer of the Texas Medical Center, Inc.

Simmons, Carroll D.
AVV.IC002.002 · File · 1998 April 6
Part of Texas Medical Center records

This VHS tape contains a program about the Texas Medical Center called "The Power of a Dream." The credits read: “Texas Medical Center. An Organization of Non-Profit Healthcare Providers. Special thanks for the use of photographs and aerial footage: Houston Academy of Medicine Texas Medical Center Library and other Texas Medical Center Institutions; Houston Industries, Inc.; NASA/Johnson Space Center. Produced by Hill and Knowlton, Inc. Through the facilities of UT Television, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.” The video runs 5:45.
(0:02) Introduction stressing “The Power of a Dream” behind the Texas Medical Center. The video begins with a few historical images of the TMC before cutting to contemporary ones. Patient care, training, and research are highlighted.
(0:56) The program tells of the conception of the Texas Medical Center in the 1940s. The narrator briefly tells the story of Monroe D. Anderson’s dedication of his fortune.
(1:14) The TMC is declared a “monument to those dreams.” A graphical map of the TMC appears on the screen. The speaker notes the TMC has more than 40 member institutions, all of which are not-for-profit, and dedicated to patient care, research, education, and community wellbeing.
(1:40) As the camera pans across the TMC, the speaker touts the 675-acre campus. The program highlights the neighborhoods, shopping, and museums nearby. The program also stresses the way TMC members work independently and together.
(2:36) Responsible for planning and cooperation, the TMC Corporation is identified as the “tie that binds.” The narrator lists off types of TMC institutions: thirteen hospitals, two specialty care facilities, two medical schools, four schools of nursing, a school of public health, a school of pharmacy, a dental school, and others. He also highlights the air ambulance service, heart surgeries and organ transplant, space science, bio-engineering, and bio-technology. The program touts $350 annually in funded research activities.
(3:50) Honing in on patient care, the video shows images of children, nurses, doctors, and caregivers.
(4:13) The video highlights the TMC’s role in dissemination of knowledge and creation of health video programming.
(4:40) The video outlines the economic impact and size of the TMC, noting more than 100,000 people pass through daily.
(5:09) The video concludes, “The Texas Medical Center. Never doubt the power of a dream.”

Texas Medical Center
IC 014 · Collection · 1944-2000

The UT MD Anderson Cancer Center records contains newsletters, articles on Neoplasia, annual reports, staff directories, publications, nursing neogram, research protocols, statistics, committee reports, Dr. Clark’s retirement comments, policies, employee handbooks, clinical training grants, internal reviews, printed materials, academic plans, research reports, and Christmas card project dating from 1946-2000.

Subjects: UT, University of Texas, Cancer

University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
IC 052 · Collection · 1949-1966

The Harris County Association of General Practice is a component branch of the American Academy of General Practice and the Texas Chapter of the American Academy of General Practice. Through the diligent efforts of Dr. Lyman C. Blair and others a charter was issued on July 23rd, 1948, thereby establishing the Harris County Chapter.

The collection documents the history of a local medical association and to some extent the attitudes with the field of general practice.

Harris County Academy of General Practice
IC 084 · Collection · 1973-1991

The Texas Medical Center (TMC) Historical Resources Project records contain video oral histories of notable personalities associated with or visiting the TMC. Beginning in 1973, the initial group of interviews focuses on individuals involved in the founding or early days of the TMC. Later “video profiles” also include significant visitors to the TMC. Several of these feature national and international figures in cancer research on their visits to Houston. In total the collection features forty-seven unique recordings of interviews with thirty-eight different individuals. All forty-seven unique recordings have been digitized.

Don Macon, Director of the TMC Historical Resources Project, serves as interviewer in all but one of the recordings. The interviews are all staged as one-on-one conversations, with the exception of Macon's interview of Isaac Berenblum and Philippe Shubik. A typical interview begins with some biographical information about the interviewee, followed by accounts of their careers and, where appropriate, their involvement with the Texas Medical Center. Recordings each tend to be approximately 30-60 minutes long; the shortest interview is about 18 minutes, with the longest (Dr. Frederick Elliott's) being 2 hours and 18 minutes.

The bulk of the interviews took place from 1973-1978. There are also interviews from 1982, 1988, and 1991. Most if not all of the interviews were recorded in the studio at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. Most are attributed to MDA-TV, Department of Medical Communications. Some later interviews are attributed to UT-TV.

While there are forty-seven unique recordings, the collection includes many duplications and totals nearly one hundred tapes. The videotapes are primarily 3/4" U-Matic, though there are also some VHS tapes. There are many original master recordings, as well as duplications on a variety of media--including a dozen interviews transferred to DVDs. Most interviews correspond to a single tape, but some speakers continue on to a second tape, typically labeled "part 2." Dr. Elliott's interview spans five tapes.

The level of detail in the descriptions varies across recordings. The collection includes contemporary typed transcripts for the first ten interviews from 1973. The MHC has created computer-generated transcripts for a handful of other interviews. Thirteen interviews have detailed descriptions with timecodes and summaries of content being discussed. The remaining interviews have paragraph-length descriptions transcribed from the original tapes or their cases.

Texas Medical Center Historical Resources Project
IC 094 · Collection · 1949-1987

The Medical Arts Publishing Foundation records equal 86 cubic feet and contain roughly 1100 items of artwork plus administrative records. Items are housed in 17 document boxes, 49 oversize boxes, map drawer, and framed items. It consists of drawings, paintings, sketches, printed images, and artist notes depicting historical and 20th century figures in the history of cardiology, cancer research, psychiatry, and Texas medicine. The records and artwork demonstrate the artistry, planning, production, and evolution of an art department for a magazine publishing company from 1948 - 1980.

Medical Arts Publishing Foundation
IC 098 · Collection · 1543-2004

The TMC Library Historical Photograph Collection contains photographs, negatives, slides, published prints, printed materials, postcards, framed images, audiovisual materials, and a plaque. The collection consists of roughly 5300 items, which includes individual 35mm slides, 35mm negatives, 120 format negatives, photographic prints, and other printed materials. This is an artificial collection of several types of images collected by or donated to the McGovern Historical Center (MHC) through the years. The bulk of the materials date from 1940 to 1990. The entire collection depicts images from 1543 to 2004. The earliest date is related to copy photographs of pages from the 1543 edition of the Fabrica by Andreas Vesalius. Other early dates are framed prints of well-known medical pioneers from the 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries. Some dates describe the date of the copy photograph others describe the date of the original image. The collection illustrates the history of medicine around the world and more acutely the Texas Medical Center and Texas Medical Center Library. Majority of the materials have been removed from this collection and incorporated into the original collections or new collections based on the donor records.

The collection is arranged into three series: Cataloged Photographs, Subject Photographs, and Oversize and Audiovisual Materials. Subject Photographs are arranged in files according to subject and then in alphabetical order. Subject terms used are as follows (in order): Attractions Photos, Building Photos, Event Photos, Individual Photos, Institutions and Organizations, Medical Equipment and Apparatus, and Surgical, Anatomical, and Medical Photos.

The collection was created to consolidate various photographs and images collected by the archive staff. Many were cataloged and assigned identification numbers (P-### for prints or N-### for negatives). These photographs were originally donated. The donor information in the card catalog was used to either create new photograph collections or incorporate into existing collections. This collection is comprised of the remaining items. Information about donors, if known, is available in the inventory. Uncataloged photographs were organized into general subjects and kept in alphabetical order. Oversize materials maintain the same identification number system and subjects. To increase discoverability of all archival materials, the collection was expanded to include materials with no known provenance. This includes framed items stored in the Garment Artifacts and Framed (GAF) section as well as audiovisual materials.

John P. McGovern Historical Collections & Research Center
Texas Medical Center aerial
IC104-p2649-001 · Item · 1953
Part of Texas Medical Center (TMC) Photograph Collection

Aerial view of the Texas Medical Center looking south. Hermann Hospital and the Hermann Professional Building are in the foreground, with Baylor College of Medicine, M. D. Anderson Hospital, and Methodist Hospital visible further back. The area behind the hospitals remains wooded.

Dorsey, Paul
Prudential Building
IC104-p3075-001 · Item · 1976
Part of Texas Medical Center (TMC) Photograph Collection

The Prudential Building, which the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Hospital acquired in 1974. The University of Texas School of Nursing and other University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston departments also utilized the facility.

Joe R. Gandy, MD papers
MS 017 · Collection · 1929-1973

The Joe R. Gandy, MD papers contain correspondance, programs, manuscripts, research, news releases, news clippings, and recording transcripts from his research into railroad medicine and his career as a surgeon

Gandy, Joe R.
Saul Kit, PhD papers
MS 018 · Collection · 1958-1974

The Saul Kit, PhD papers contain research journals, reprints, copies, and an undated manuscript documenting his career in biochemistry. This collection focuses on his research published from 1958-1974. The collection consists of one box, equaling .25 cubic feet. The materials are in good condition.

Kit, Saul
Felix Haas, PhD papers
MS 027 · Collection · 1937-1986

The Felix L. Haas, PhD papers document his life and career with the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. The bulk of the collection pertains to his work at the University of Texas Health Science Center, the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, and the University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (UTGSBS) in Houston.

The collection reflects both his research interests and his administrative roles. The collection includes biographical information, professional records, correspondence, certificates, reprints, typescripts, publications, theses and dissertations, experiment notebooks, lectures, speeches, grant materials, committee reports and meeting minutes, course outlines, and audio recordings.

Unique to the collection are the audiotapes (reel-to-reel and compact cassette) that detail the beginnings of the UTGSBS. The recordings include meetings of Committee on Graduate Studies (1963-1965)--which he chaired--and lectures from courses given by UTGSBS faculty (1971-1978).

While most of the collection is based in Houston, there is a notable series of materials from the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois.

Materials ranges in date from 1937-1986.

The collection is 36 cubic feet (70 boxes).

Haas, Felix L.
Howard T. Barkley, MD papers
MS 028 · Collection · 1930-1980

The Howard T. Barkley, MD papers (MS 028) contains degrees, licenses, newsletters, clippings, photographs, certificates, awards, and a book that document the career of Dr. Howard T. Barkley in thoracic surgery. The collection primarily focuses on Dr. Barkley's academic and professional achievements; however, there is a small series on his personal life as well as a collection of photographs. The collection consists of 3 boxes (1 document and 2 oversized) and equals 2.25 cubic feet. The materials are in good condition.

Barkley, Howard T.
Wataru W. Sutow, MD papers
MS 035 · Collection · 1929-1996

Watauru W. Sutow, MD papers, MS 035, primarily cover the professional life of Dr. Sutow. The collection contains correspondence and memorandum, committee minutes and reports, drafts, manuscripts, and published professional papers; journal article reprints, personal correspondence and memorabilia; and a collection of slides and audio cassette tapes. The collection is in good condition. The papers span the years 1929-1996 with the bulk of material ranging from 1948 to 1981. The collection consists of 43 cubic feet (86 boxes, including 1 oversize box).

Sutow, Wataru W. (Wataru Walter), 1912-1981
R. Lee Clark, MD papers
MS 070 · Collection · 1929-1985

Lee Clark’s personal papers, Series I, contain financial documents, family correspondence from relatives throughout Texas, lists of purchases including various cars, information on houses and repairs, ideas for his ranch and considerations about other land purchases.

Lee Clark received his M.D. from the Medical School of Virginia. He served as Chief Resident at the American Hospital in Paris, France and was a Fellow at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

Before coming to M.D. Anderson, Dr. Clark was Director of Surgical Research within the United States Air Force at Randolph Field, San Antonio, Texas. Drafts of Clark’s Surgical History of the Army Air Forces are located in Series II.

Dr. R. Lee Clark collected papers from many sources, envisioning the historical importance, not only of his personal papers, but of items related to University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, the Texas Medical Center, various University of Texas medical schools, and many national and international cancer organizations. A series of historical papers, in addition to folders labeled “Inactive”, “to 1956”, or “to 1959”, provide witness to the early growth of M.D. Anderson Hospital and Houston’s medical community. Dr. Clark also kept the minutes of many meetings of the University of Texas Board of Regents, as he was dependent on funding from the state to furnish resources necessary for M.D. Anderson Hospital. Newspaper clippings document Clark’s leadership at M.D. Anderson and the growth of cancer treatment and care, both within the state of Texas and throughout the world. He was Directing Medical Editor of the Medical Arts Publishing Foundation that published The Heart Bulletin, The Cancer Bulletin, The Psychiatric Bulletin, and Medical Record and Annals, as well as co-editor of The Book of Health and The Year Book of Cancer.

Dr. Clark held positions of authority in a number of national and international organizations. Correspondence and meeting minutes show that he was a dynamic force in the formation of several branches of the Union International Contre le Cancer, notably the Committee for International Collaborative Activities and the Association of American Cancer Institutes. UICC was a world-wide effort to more successfully track and treat the causes of cancer. The American Cancer Society also benefited from Clark’s vision and energy, as did the Cancer Committee of the American College of Surgeons. Meeting minutes from several committees document activities within those organizations. He served on the boards of directors of the Damon Runyon/Walter Winchell and Hogg Foundations. After retirement from M.D. Anderson, he served as a consultant for Robert Douglass Associates, assisting with site visits and forward planning for cancer hospitals.

Photographs of M.D. Anderson Hospital buildings, colleagues, and many organizational meetings are held in Series XIII, as well as in other parts of the collection.

Memorabilia and realia, as well as a series on professional travel, attest to the scope of Dr. Clark’s career.

Clark, Randolph Lee, 1906-
Robert Hickey, MD papers
MS 102 · Collection · 1909-1992

The Robert Hickey, MD papers contains various papers and reprints relating to Dr. Robert Hickey and his research on railroad medicine.

Subjects: Oncology. University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Hickey, Robert
MS 107 · Collection · 1939-1997

The William O. Russell, MD papers contains personal papers, professional papers, and financial documents related to the life and career of William O. Russell, such as correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, oil leases, farming leases, statistical reports and research. The collection documents Dr. Russell's education, post-graduate medical training, pathology practice, cancer pathology, ranch and ranching activities. The collection also contains records related specifically to the Russel Ranch, including families genealogy with historic and contemporary farm information. Geographic coverage within the collection includes Texas, California, Utah, Florida as well as his work at MD Anderson Cancer Center. The date range of the materials is 1939-1997. The collection chronicles Dr. Russell's many roles in society, including family man, rancher, medical professional, pathologist, member of medical study groups, and medical executive.

Subjects: Pathology, UT MD Anderson Cancer

Russell, William O.
Thomas Matney, PhD papers
MS 146 · Collection · 1929-2011

The Thomas Matney papers, MS 146, includes materials from 1926 through 2011 relating to Dr. Matney’s research in genetics, Dr. Matney’s teaching materials, and his research as a community activist into the support and well being of at-risk children. Dr. Matney was the first associate dean of the newly formed UT Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences as well as a professor of genetics and environmental science and a student advisor. Professor Matney made important contributions to scientific understanding of cancer-causing agents and the genetic mechanisms that underlie the development of cancer.

This collection contains eleven series: I. Personal Papers; II. Administrative Papers III. Business Correspondence; IV. Publications; V. Research; VI. School and Community Research Projects; VII. Teaching Materials; VIII. Student Files; IX. Travel; X. Realia and Ephemera; and XI. Audiovisual Materials. This collection contains much of the research conducted by Dr. Matney as well as his teaching materials. One of the highlights of this collection is the research proposals and papers from Dr. Matney's time with the Atomic Energy Commission along with a letter from Dr. Schull of the RERF to Dr. Matney when he was ill. Another highlight of the collection is the Temperature Gradient Plate, a device invented by Dr. Matney.

The materials in this collection are in good condition with some minor tears and brittle paper. Mrs. Nancy Matney donated Dr. Matney’s collection of personal and business correspondence, photographs, newspaper articles, pamphlets, diplomas, awards, artwork, a scrapbook, yearbooks, journal articles, abstracts, contracts, applications, research notes and notebooks, lecture notes, audiovisual material, ephemera, and realia to the John P. McGovern Historical Collections and Research Center in January 2011. The collection is 10.5 cubic feet (thirteen boxes) and is collection 146.

Matney, Thomas
MS002-b6-f7 · File · December 20, 1950
Part of Ernst William Bertner, MD papers

Invitation, Map, and Program. Invitation reads, "The Board of Regents of the University of Texas and The Director and Staff of the M.D. Anderson Hospital for Cancer Research request the honor of your presence at the Breaking of the Ground for the New Hospital Building at The Texas Medical Center Houston, Texas Wednesday, December twenty, four o'clock." Program includes "The Star Spangled Banner;" Invocation by Rev. Charles L. King, D.D.; Greeting by Dr. Randolph Lee Clark, Jr.; Introduction of Official Guests; Address by Judge James Pinckney Hart; Tribute to the Memory of the Late E. W. Bertner, M.D.; Breaking of the Ground; "The Eyes of Texas;" and Benediction by Rev. John J. Roach.

Remarks of Dudley K. Woodward, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Regents of the Unviersity of Texas on the occasion of Breaking Ground for the M.D. Anderson Hospital for Cancer Research Houston, Texas. Included is a remembrance of E. W. Bertner noting, "Throughout time as The Texas Medical Center grows and the University of Texas in this Center grows with it, the name of Ernest [sic] William Bertner will be upon the lips and in the hearts of all those who appraise at their true worth vision, determination and courage beyond belief."

gi212519194 · File · 12/14/1950
Part of Frederick C. Elliott, DDS papers

Image shows the exterior of M. D. Anderson Hospital for cancer research under construction on December 14, 1950. The building is in the distance in recently cleared land with trees, rough terrain, dirt, rocks, and construction materials in the foreground. Exterior scaffolding and crane construct the upper floors of the hospital. The photograph is captioned, "M. D. Anderson Hospital for cancer research. MacKIE & KAMRATH architects. FARNSWORTH & CHAMBERS, General Contractors. Dec 14 1950."